If you want to clear away the energy of this year and GO ALL IN for yourself in 2023 - this workshop is for you!


An entire end-of-year process to move powerfully into the new year

A releasing ceremony to let go of what is no longer serving you from 2022

chakra clearing to recalibrate your energy system

A safe, intentional space to envision and declare what you want in 2023

An energetic activation to bring forward the manifestation visions you have


If you want to learn from this year and take this clarity into next year  - 

this workshop is for you!


releasing and learning from 2022

activating deeper levels of purpose for 2023

activating magnetic energy to attract what you deeply desire for 2023

creating your action step blueprint to manifest in 2023




 There will be replay available to you after the live event, within 24 hours. You will have access to the replay and activations forever.

The workshop is happening live December 13th at 4pm pst / 5pm mt / 6pm ct / 7pm et on Zoom. 

It will run up to 2.5 hours (with a pee/movement break!)

I highly encourage whenever possible for you to come live to experience the real-time energy and magical VORTEX we create.

Have trust in faith in your journey and know that this workshop is another beautiful upgrade and powerful tool in your journey of manifesting your dream life.


This early bird rate is only valid right now, then it will go up to $88 USD!



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12 Card 2022 Forecast with word of the year

Right here, right now $89 (reg $111)
Get clear insight and guidance from your spirit team for 2023 with a 12 month angel card reading with audio recording.

I am focusing on pulling forward the monthly tools and insights you need as well as a deeper understanding of your purpose, remembering who you are and why you are here.
  • Total payment
  • 1xRise Up - End Of Year Workshop$77

All prices in USD

Hey, I'm Talia...
I am an intuitive manifestation mentor here to help and support you on your awakening journey.  I teach how to create the life you're meant for with law of attraction hacks, intuitive development and stepping into your Soul's purpose.

I know firsthand that transformation and manifestation happens in layers. We need to continuously up-level, shift, release, adjust and align with who we are becoming.

In these workshops my intention is to teach you a new way of manifesting more success, abundance, joy and purpose into your life.

I not only teach tools, steps and practical actions to leap you forward but I also allow Spirit to take the lead, helping me to create the content and intuitively mentor you in the live event.

I have a natural ability to hold the space for alchemy, transformation and quantum shifts on the spot. These workshops create an immediate shift and also give you steps, tools and practices to take forward to integrate into your life.

In these workshops I teach from my experience, intuition and personal journey - bringing you only the most potent teachings and powerful energetic practices you need to shift fast.

I am excited to help you in alchemizing your excess energy into healing, growth and power and learning how to manifest the life you're meant for.

Thank you for allowing me to support you in your journey - you are doing such a great job!

"When you come to the place where you are ready to do what it takes, the perfect tools and support will surface"
Talia Joy