You're Ready To move into your next level

Access this masterclass to clearly Understand "The Goo Phase" and how to navigate the gap in your self growth and manifestation journey.

In The Goo Phase...

You're in the middle of transformation - where you are not where you were, but not yet where you're going.

You're "in-between" where things may fall away and it feels very uncertain.

You may receive nudges and whispers that things are about to change.

You may feel a lot of energetic resistance in life - looping in frustrating patterns and roadblocks.

Realizations and wisdom start coming in if you're open to it.

Is unavoidable in your growth - you may as well learn how to navigate it!

This will help you go from "here" to "there" + bridge the gap into your next level.

Get Ready To Learn...

 How to navigate The Goo Phase

Awareness and tools to move on to your next level and manifest your goals

 What The Goo Phase really is and WTF is going on

Why it is a pivotal and crucial part of your manifestation + self growth journey

How to keep manifesting through it

 How to tell what the Universe is trying to tell you

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The Truth is...

The Goo Phase is a time of rearranging the pieces and getting everything ready for what is to come. This is a transformation space. Here, everything that once existed dissolves. What your life once was, becomes the past - but you're not quite where you're going. Nothing is what it was, and nothing is what it will yet be. It’s the “in-between”. 

In this Breakdown, your old beliefs, and everything you once knew starts to crumble like a shortbread cookie. It is chaos, uncertainty, confusion, and feels as if nothing is working smoothly.

So the pattern goes: 

I want better things for myself.

I'm so sick of suffering. 

I get so desperate that I surrender, break down, break open and discover a new way. 

I shift, learn and transform. 

I move forward. 

A new desire comes up.

But, the problem is...

We get in our own way and end up unknowingly blocking our success. The "ironic" part is, life isn’t trying to get you to just push harder or figure it out. It’s asking you to surrender into it, to believe in yourself, trust yourself, to release what isn’t working.  

This is the dark before the dawn...

Patterns are coming up to be seen and healed through so that they can fade away. Any looping patterns of lack, fear, let-downs, confusion are trying to get your attention. There is something there to be moved through so that you can manifest your dreams and move forward.

This phase is actually the dark before the dawn, the cloud before the clarity. Be in the mush, remember, the break down is leading you to the break-through. Listen to what life is trying to tell you. Instead of: What the heck is happening? I am so lost, why do I feel this? The way out is to ask: Why is this happening for me? How is life showing me something helpful?

in this masterclass, I cant wait to help you gain clarity on what is going on and your next steps in your transformation!