Welcome To This 10 Day Meditation Challenge!!

This challenge is your opportunity to practice showing up for YOU.  It's not about perfection; it's about creating meaningful shifts that leave you feeling more grounded, aligned, and connected to your best self.

Plus, you'll get the daily meditation glow.

Starting Oct 1, You'll Get:

10 Days of Guided Meditations (15 minutes or less): Crafted to help you unwind, ground yourself, and find peace in the day.

Daily Journal Prompts: Thought-provoking prompts that help you reflect on each day’s meditation and explore how you’re showing up for yourself.

Group Chat with daily support to root you on and keep you strong!

Bonus Materials that you can use for any of the days if you need to shift the meditation.

It’s easy to slip out routine when it comes to meditation and a daily practice - and something tells me, your Soul is calling you back to re-connect, re-align and come back to YOU.

That’s why we’ve created the 10-Day Meditation Challenge, a simple yet powerful way to reconnect with yourself, practice mindfulness, and build self-care into your daily routine - with 15 minutes or less everyday!

When You Meditate Regularly, You Also...

manifest more

feel less stress + overwhelm

raise your vibration

connect deeper to yourself + your body

connect deeper to Spirit + the present moment

learn how to show up for yourself even when life is busy and hectic

feel more solid, grounded + resilient to triggers

Yes, I am ready to Challenge Myself to Daily Meditation!

JUMP IN FOR $22 - We Start October 1!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xMeditation Challenge$22

All prices in USD

I know that for a while you feel that you "should" have a daily practice BUT:

life is packed

 you're sick of the same old journal prompts 

the day slips away

it's hard to get into the routine

there's no accountability

I totally get it and I am here to help!

The truth is... there is no one "magic practice" that will have you manifest $1,000,000 and take away all your worries. That being said, learning how to use a daily meditation practice to connect to your self, connect to Spirit and get settled into daily rituals will have a profound effect on your life and your manifestations.