a Soulful transformation weekend for you

Just as a caterpillar enters a chrysalis and emerges as a butterfly, you too are undergoing a transformation.

You are in a state of transition - no longer who you were, yet not fully anchored into your next level.

It's time to bridge this gap, FIND YOUR WINGS and unlock your next level of personal power!

The Shift asks you to let go of the energy that holds you back.

This time is asking you to shift into who you truly are, to take those leaps, to embody your next level. 

You are ready to bring what you want into reality.


WHat is this weekend about?

Healing You-Time: First off, this experience is for you! So relax, sink in, light some sage and soak up the nurturing and supportive atmosphere. When was the last time you got to shut yourself in and go through a deep metamorphosis? This is for you, boo.

Creating Your Destiny: The Shift isn't just a workshop; it's a transformative weekend experience that will resonate with you long after it ends. By gaining clarity on your identity and shedding limitations, you'll unlock your potential for greater happiness, abundance, health, vitality, and fulfillment, aligning with your true purpose.

Navigating The Goo Phase:  When you are "in between" and ready to move into your next level, it requires specific tools and breakthroughs to take you into there. Experience the power of key teachings such as Discovering Your Authentic Self, Free From The Inside, Identity Shifting, The Spiritual Assignment + The Art Of Deliberate Creation

Bridging The Gap: It's time to fully release old programming and step into your next-level energy.

Leaving More Magnetic: Let's be clear, you don't need to change who you are, but as you release what you're not, you will naturally turn up your magnetism, confidence and sparkle.

the details...

2 Day Self Growth weekend w/ morning meditations, signature workshops + activities with ample breaks for nutrition, nature and movement.

Sept 28th + 29th, 2024 - Full days (8am pst / 11am et - 3pm pst / 6pm et) with lots of breaks on Zoom.

this is for those who are...

Ready to step fully into their power, end self sabotage and release what holds them back.

Knee deep in self growth, manifestation and self discovery work and are ready for more.

Craving an impactful experiences to move the needle forward. 

What Participants Said From The April 2024 Experience:

"The Shift was profound, healing and life-changing. If you're in the middle of an awakening and transformation - this is for you!"

"The Shift was literally life changing - from the morning meditations to the workshops, the music, the space you held Talia - it was so perfect. A weekend I will never forget - thank you!"

"I came into The Shift, not knowing what to expect or what was blocking me from manifestation. I left feeling lighter, inspired and excited to go out and live my life. The workshops blew my mind and I left with tangible tips and experiences that truly shifted me. It was an investment that came back 10-fold!"

So, seeker, are you in?
Join Us for $222


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Add 2 Weeks Of Personal Mentorship To Explode Your Results!
This VIP Upgrade will give you 4 days of voice memo support over 2 weeks (2 per week) and end with a recorded intuitive card reading and channelled message from Spirit to make sure you get the results you came for! 

In our time together, we will focus on unblocking and strategically moving in the direction of your desires. I will offer intuitive guidance from your Spirit team as well as practical steps to manifest your desires.

Reg Value $555 - Now $444!

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    The Shift - Self Growth Weekend$222.00
  • Preferred option
    2 Payments - $119 monthly2x $119.00

Enter your text here..

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Shift Weekend$0

All prices in USD

WHat results can I expect?

Expect a transformative weekend, where you move the needle forward in your life. Through energy work, real-time exercises, and signature processes you'll activate your next level, release what is holding you back and start manifesting more of what you want.

This event is designed to expand your mind, release limiting beliefs, upgrade your cells and activate Soul growth.

You can anticipate a post-event glow with more excitement, joy and expansion. You can expect more blessings as you become more magnetic. In the following days and weeks, you will feel more invigorated, lighter and more powerful as your vibration rises permanently.

Prepare to have your mind expanded and dormant aspects of yourself come alive.

"With Talia's signature manifestation program I went from not knowing where my blind spots were to knowing the EXACT steps to manifesting the life of my dreams. I highly recommend her programs to any seeker wanting clear roadmap to their best life!"

 - Heather, Florida, USA

"Talia's podcasts and programs have changed my life. The way she teaches manifestation is like nothing I've ever heard before - and I've taken a lot of courses on it! Her gifts are so unique and it makes manifestation easy to understand. The way she blends teachings on Spiritual growth with physical, practical law of attraction tools was exactly what I needed to actually implement it into my life. Through working with her I have 4X my income in my coaching business and have lost 10 lbs - this is because I've released resistance, blocks and heavy energy and now I am on fire! I spent years "trying" to manifest but thanks to Talia's process, I am now doing it! 

Thank you Talia, you've changed my life!"

- Brittany, Florida, USA


What if I can't join live?

You will need to join this event live! There is power in committing to something, being present, experiencing it and leaving with that immediate impact. Just like a weekend seminar - come ready to learn and expand on the spot!!

What do the days look like?

You will have morning meditations, 4 different workshops with practical exercises and activation sessions to end each day. You will have ample breaks for what I can The 3 N's - nutrition, nurturing and nature. Day 2 will be slightly shorter than Day 1. 

What materials do I get? 

You will get a package in the mail containing a few special gifts that support the experience. Other than that, it's all about experiencing the classes and ceremonies on the moment.

What payments do you accept?

We accept credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, PayPal and more with payment options available.

Are there refunds?

Unfortunately we do not offer refunds. If you cannot join after you purchase, I suggest looking for someone to gift or sell the experience to.

What results can I get excited about with this program?

This experience will move the needle forward in your life in the areas that you intend as you enter. You will experience blessings afterward as you clear your energy and reprogram your identity. You can expect feelings of excitement, relief and fun. You can expect to feel lighter as you raise your vibration permanently.  You can expect to have your mind blown and deep parts of you brought back into wholeness. 

If you have more questions, write us at support@taliajoymanifestation.com

"Talia - you are changing lives and I am so grateful we met. Your way of teaching manifestation is so different and so refreshing. I am so grateful for your programs, rituals, sessions and podcast - I've been able to change my life so much in such a short amount of time with your guidance. Thank you!

- Tamara, Toronto, ON, Canada

​Hi! I'm Talia Joy, a bestie in your awakening, an intuitive, a manifestation mentor, teacher and podcast host helping motivated seekers all over the world master manifestation, unlock the life they are meant for and create more freedom, abundance, fulfillment and joy.

My clients are already creating some success and transformation in their lives and they are ready for their next, quantum level - this is where I come in.

My teachings combine the law of attraction, intuitive insight, quantum physics, energy healing and tuning into your Soul to cause a quantum shift in your life.

I am SO EXCITED to take you through this next-level weekend and help you navigate the big transformation you're in, leaving you more clear, confident and magnetic to your desires.

During this weekend, you'll recieve new tools and teachings that combine energy activation, release, identify shifting, healing and reprogramming you become magnetic and your desires can manifest without resistance.

You are in the right place if you know you are ready for big things - I can't wait to see you inside our deep dive, self growth weekend!

Ahh, I am so excited!

Cheers, seeker - See you there!
