No Fluff, Real Strategy Giving you what you need to inject magnetism (and sales!) into your business

In Order To...

Magnetize aligned clients

create the massive impact

create freedom you are meant for

manifest the overflowing abundance

....You need to have some things in place energetically and strategically.  This is where I come in!  I am an expert at blending energy and strategy to create a business that thrives

With a few small tweaks, it will no longer be a problem to sell - in fact your raving community will
Be DMing you, saying “send me the link please!!”

You will receive...

The 9 principals to integrate Right Away For Results

How to do each one

Journal prompts to ask yourself For Self Inquiry

Content hooks to create even more magnetic content!

The Aligned Leader Ritual - an activating 11 minute meditation to amplify your magnetism & get you into your CEO energy!

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I know what its like to:

post all day With no sales

avoid putting myself out there because I have no idea what I am doing, or if it will sell.

put my heart and soul into something that no one buys.

Wonder "WTF am I missing?"

And it was hard... Eventually, I realized that I was missing some key components in building a business that created trust, raving fans and best of all - sales!

After 8 years in business and helping entrepreneurs for over 5 years - I’ve learned a lot and it’s my obsession to share it all with you!  

If we haven't met - Hey, I'm Talia Joy!

I'm your go-to mentor for Soulpreneurs looking to create freedom in their lives and a massive impact on the world. 

You are a few small tweaks away from busting through your current ceiling  building a raving community, selling your offers and living the freedom you crave. 

After 8 years in business and helping entrepreneurs for over 5 years - I’ve learned a lot and it’s my obsession to share it all with you!  I am an expert at blending thee energetic work with the aligned strategy for you that will skyrocket your business. 

I have grown The Awakening Her Podcast to over 190k downloads, created consistent $10K months multiple times in multiple businesses and created 4 different businesses! I have learned a lot about being a leader and lightworker and how to bring it all together to create a successful, abundant business from my Soul.

It's a pleasure to be on this path with you!