For the Soulpreneur to Receive Business Clarity, Strategy, Energetics + Support to Take your mission to the next level

This is the perfect program for entrepreneurs in the first 5 years of their business or who are looking to refresh and get their entire business aligned, flowing and with the clarity to move forward. This program will help you create a solid foundation including identifying your ideal client, amplifying your marketing, creating aligned offers and getting everything flowing in a strategic way!

What You'll Receive:

Clarity: Nail down your business's vibe, who you're serving, and why you're doing what you're doing. No more guessing games! 

Energy On Point: Dial in your vibes to match your business goals, so you're in sync with success and feeling the flow.

Solid Strategy: Learn the ins and outs of attracting clients, making more sales, and creating offers that make them say, "Yes, please! Send me the link!" 

Increased Abundance: Discover strategies that lead to steady $10k and $20k months.

Messaging Magic: Craft messages that grab attention, connect with your audience, and turn followers into fans.

Social Media Strategy: Master the art of social media to boost your brand and grow your tribe.

Boss Babe Confidence: Amp up your confidence, dial into this new identity and be a CEO your-style!

Community Vibes: Join a Team of awesome soulpreneurs for support, inspiration, and a whole lot of fun. 

Business Growth: Watch your business flourish, from more clients to more cash in the bank.

I am excited to teach you the energy and strategy that it takes to consistently create $10k - $20k months and a sustainable business that thrives by setting it up energetically and strategically for success.

"Working with Talia I gained the confidence and abundance to expand my business with ease. She helped me look for the signs that were literally right in front of me! I opened up my own [tattoo] shop and streamlined my client booking. And my shop just turned 3 years old! 

I recommend working with Talia. She'll help you realize that you have the skills, tools and magic to make your business grow!" 

Natalie, Portland OR, USA

This is for...

Purpose-Led Entrepreneurs Of All Kinds including healers, lightworkers, coaches, mentors, guides, therapists, nutritionists, energy medicine healers, emotional trauma healers - and any type of guide who helps others directly.

Those Who Want to Use Online Platforms To Conduct Business whether it's Instagram, Facebook, a podcast, blog or any other online platform to attract clients and offer services or products. You can also have an in-person component of your business that I can help you refine however, this program is primarily focused lot on strategy for an online business.

Soulpreneurs Wanting To Create Passive Income + Ongoing Client Attraction without always trading hours for dollars! 

Those who want to Create, Promote and/or Refine Offers such as sessions, courses, programs, readings.

Those Who Need Guidance On Their Mission, Message, Business Structure to make it juicy, aligned, irresistible and succinct as you bring people through your brand.

This is NOT for...

Those with no business and no ideas - I'm your go-to when you have an idea, a business starting to be set up or already in motion! If you have no Ideas yet, consider Private mentorship or a single session to get the clarity you need.

"Talia has supported me as a mentor through so much of my Spiritual journey. From understanding my sudden awakening, to starting my own Spiritual business and podcast - Talia has provided me with compassionate support and so much knowledge from both the business and Spiritual side.  

I have sincerely appreciated her real world, tangible guidance for my business while also helping me learn to balance the energetic side of being a light worker. My work with her has built my confidence and trust in my own inner wisdom - something that has positively affected every area of my life!"

Emilee, USA

You'll Learn How To...

Be In Your Magnetic Zone of Genius

Clarify your Unique Mission here on earth

Pinpoint Your Ideal Client

Create Magnetic Messaging

Create Compelling Content + Aligned Offers

make the impact You're Here To Make

Create The freedom you are meant for In Your Business with a simple + Intelligent Business Model

manifest the overflowing abundance Through Your Aligned Offers

Create social media momentum in a way that feels good

"Working with Talia, my sales increased immediately. As soon as I released imposter syndrome and stepped into my gifts, clients started coming out of nowhere! Now I have an intentional funnel that feels good and allows me to make sales while I sleep. Thank you Talia!"

- A.M.

Imagine waking up every morning...

You look at your phone to see you made 2 sales while you slept!  Ding! Another comes in.  Ding! Another... 

You are excited to work on your business, knowing you’re making a meaningful impact and living your purpose. 

You're attracting ideal clients constantly, effortlessly increasing your sales each month, and experiencing a sense of alignment and flow in your work.

The Soulpreneur Success Program Helps You Make This A Reality...

This isn’t just a program; it’s a journey of transformation. You’ll grow not only as a business owner but as a person. You’ll discover your true potential, align your energy with your goals, and create a business that supports the life of your dreams. 

Don’t let overwhelm and uncertainty hold you back any longer.  Join us and step into your power as a thriving Soulpreneur.

With a few small tweaks, it will no longer be a problem to sell - in fact your raving community will
Be DMing you, saying “send me the link please!!”

You will receive...

6 live coaching calls Over 8 Weeks

Live Support to keep you on track Everyday + get your burning questions answered. 

supportive community of like-minded soulpreneurs for networking, Accountability & collaboration.

Worksheets and resources to guide you through each step of the program.

Practical Steps to help you implement what you learn in your business.

Lifetime access to the program materials, so you can revisit them whenever you need a refresher. 

"I already had a business for over 3 years when I came to Talia. Right away she helped me to see the "power leaks" and helped me create Aligned Offers - this was a game changer! Instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall, I now have a plan that has flexibility and structure, exactly what I need. My sales are up about $5K per month and it's only been 2 months of implementing Talia's guidance!"

- Jessica

Ready to take your business to the next level?
>> join the Waitlist!! <<

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Business Boost Accelerator

75 Min Call + 1 Day Voice Memo Support
In this call, I will give you a social media or website feedback as well as help you create an aligned plan to get you to your next level. I will offer support in areas like purpose, mission, creating offers, creating a nurture sequence, client attraction and more. In this strategy session, we will dive deep into your business - aligning your purpose, gifts, message and offers to boost sales and attract aligned clients! Depending on where you are currently, I will help you with aspects of your business such as; ideal client creation, increasing sales, magnetic messaging, strategy, funnel creation, aligned offers, and gaining clarity on your mission. 

Here $399 | Reg $599

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xSoulpreneur Success Program$0

All prices in USD

The Content:

PHASE 1: Your Energetics - Building up your energy as a soulpreneur Here to help others. We will dive into CEO energetics, your daily practice, energy regulation and How to create magnetic content from an aligned place!

PHASE 2: Your Business' Energetics - Your brand, your vibe, your mission, How you Show up, Your Best platforms, Your USP (Unique Selling Position), messaging, creating magnetic content, Aligned Offers etc.

PHASE 3: Your Simple Strategy - Creating flow through your funnel of possibilities, consistent leads, followers and brand awareness. How to make intentional content, Aligned Offers, Creating a simple and effective plan to build your business and attract new clients constantly.

PHASE 4: Freedom Structure - Ongoing expansion, automation, Digital sales, scaling and building Your empire

"Working with Talia she has helped me open my eyes to so many different directions I can take with my business. During our time together she has helped me to improve my self confidence and open up my spiritual channel more when it comes to getting messages on what the best things to post for my social media to attract the right people.  

In my business I inspire others to be the truest, authentic selves while giving advice to topics I am passionate about. As I do my best to incorporate spirituality to the mix to enlighten others more. The results were uplifting, eye opening, inspiring and brought me motivation to share what I am passionate about. 

 I’d recommend working with Talia if you are determined to start your own business but don’t know how to go about it and/or need some guidance and in-site on what the best approach is for you when starting a business. She is amazing at what she does and will always feel heard in all areas when working with her. "


What Nobody is talking about...

Nobody out there is talking about that fact that in order to create a sustainable, thriving business you need both energetics and strategy! 

Many Soulpreneurs are either going head first into strategy and neglecting their energy OR they are all energetics but have no plan.

You need both

This is what I did wrong for almost 6 years - I oscillated between trying to find the "magic funnel" or working on my energy. Rarely did I have both! 

I am here to break that pattern and help you implement both - to create a solid foundation, a solid plan and a steady stream of clients asking for your services!

"Talia has helped me so much in my business to get it from an idea to a reality! She offers a perfect combination of strategy and energetics and with her work, I am now steadily at $11k-15k months! This is big from the income I was used to of under $1000 per month!"

- M.K.

Have a Question?

When does this start, what is the schedule? We start September 2024 - the date it to be determined. Our calls are most likely Tuesdays at 11am pst / 1pm ct / 2pm et.

Do I have to cone to the live calls? You don't have to, you will have full recordings however this is a chance for live teaching, training and questions.

Who is this program for? This program is designed for driven soulpreneurs ready to scale their business and align their energy with their business goals. 

What if I’m new to my business? No problem! The program covers foundational elements that will set you up for success, regardless of where you are on your journey.  As long as you have a business concept, ideas and/or a business already going in some capacity, you're in the right place. This is not a program for someone who has no business, no ideas, no inspirations and nothing going yet. This is for those who have ideas and a business already in the works and needs clarity and consistency to build impact and income.

How long is the program? The Soulpreneur Success Program is a comprehensive 8 week journey. 

 What kind of support will I receive? You’ll get access to 6 live coaching calls over 8 weeks, a supportive community, and a wealth of resources to guide you every step of the way.


What results can I expect? You can expect increased clarity, higher client attraction, consistent sales, and a deeper sense of alignment and fulfillment in your life and business!

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