- 4 Week intuitive development Program -


What Will Awakened Intuition Cover?

 You will learn exactly what intuition is - and how to discern between intuition, ego and "regular thoughts"

 You'll discover your intuitive type + how to use it

 You'll receive a third eye activation to upgrade your cells and open your intuitive gifts

 How to practice your intuition with intentional exercises

 How to ask and receive instantly ​

Going beyond - activating psychic gifts, connecting to loved ones and meeting your Spirit guides

What is Awakened Intuition?

This is an audio program with live community support and an energy session.

You will receive access to The Awakened Intuition private podcast and you will receive at least 2 per week for 4 weeks.

 You will receive specialized meditations and tangible practices to develop your gifts.

You get access to it all forever

I will be dropping in each week, channelling, sharing downloads, offering general support and answering your questions live.

There is also a LIVE Intuition + Third Eye Activation Energy Session May 23rd at 3:30 pst.

Let Me Ask You...

~ Would you like to have intuitive guidance any time you want? 

~ Do you want to understand your intuitive type? 

~ Would you like more clear information to come through? 

~ Do you want to practice in a safe, supportive space? 


If you're looking to activate your intuition, Become confident in your gift + use it everyday -
this is the Right space For you.

Learn to develop your gift from a channel who has been teaching intuitive development for almost a decade! You will learn your intuitive type, how to use it, how to receive guidance whenever you want and everything you need to step more fully into your gifts.

"Working with Talia and her Awakened Intuition program has changed every aspect of my life. The gifts that reside within Talia will turn your life around if you're ready. With this program, the intuition that is within you will finally be free to guide you. Whatever it is that you are looking for in your own life can be found with Talia’s help and by activating your intuition."

Sara M, Portland OR, USA

Join The Live Round for $57!
It will go up to $111 after!

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Completing payment with PayPal

  • Total payment
  • 1xAwakened Intuition - 4 Week Program$57

All prices in USD

Was that my intuition or....?

"Am I making this up?" 

"Or maybe it's my ego?" 

"Or just a random thought? Gah, I don't know"

I Used To...

Have such a hard time making decisions

Ignore the things I was nudged to do (daily practice, self care, taking big leaps, time in nature, exercising etc) 

Second guess the messages that came through because I had no idea where they were coming from or if it was actually my intuition.

This is why you are being called to develop and trust your intuition - so that you can have confidence in yourself, clearly hear the nudges of your Soul and trust in your inner knowings

Now, I clearly know when my intuition - and I not only trust it, I live by it.

I have always been sensitive, and also, I've also always been intuitive, I just didn't know it. Like you, I am more sensitive to "the energies" than most people and although this sometimes feels like a curse, it's turned into one of my biggest gifts.

Hey, I am Talia! Intuitive, channel, human design reflector, empath, scorpio... - shall I go on?  

I have been teaching intuitive development since 2015 where my first business, Food Buddha was born. I taught intuitive eating as a way to guide my clients out of diets, rules and restriction with food. After a few years in my next business, The Good Feeling Life - I started teaching Intuitive development in group courses and to my private clients.

Over the years I have developed my intuitive channel to the point where now I am chatting with my Spirit guides all day, accessing channelled information for my clients and generally living with an open channel that I use everyday. 

Developing my intuition has helped me to feel guided at all times, to access wisdom when "I don't know what to do" and move more deeply into alignment with my Soul. My clients experience clarity and empowerment when they see that this gift has been within them the whole time, they just needed to know how to access it!

I can't wait to help you to do this in an exciting, new way! By gaining access to the Awakened Intuition private podcast feed you will be guided with up-to-date trainings, intentional meditations and endless practices to develop your inner guide. 

I cant wait to dive in with you!
