The Momentum Tribe - Your Space To Soulfully Move Forward

A 10-week journey designed for those ready to finish off the year with momentum — supported by a like-minded community.

Hey Seeker - Welcome To This Space!

What I have found is - when it feels like I am not moving forward, I'll flail, doubt, self sabotage and get really confused on "how" to get out of this. 

A belief that I have had is "if it's not working, I must be doing something wrong". But, this couldn't be farther from the truth. 

Often we are on the right path, we just need to keep on it. Keep learning, growing and evolving. 

When sh*t hits the fan (which it will), there’s a way to keep going, aligned with your soul and your highest path. I'm going to show you how to create forward movement and build resilience through both spiritual practices and tangible tools.

The Momentum Tribe is a sacred space where we connect, learn,  grow, and rise together. Whether you’re focused on healing, Spiritual development,  abundance, health, or finding clarity on "what's next" - this 10-week journey will keep you grounded, accountable, and supported as you transform your way into 2025!. 

It’s time to move forward, together.

What You'll Get Here:

Forward Momentum + Resilience: Staying on our highest path in a grounded, tangible way, even when life is all over the place... and even over the holidays!

Expansion: Connecting with your soul, core values and awakening to your next level.

Releasing: You'll be supported as you let go of old patterns, loops and emotional blocks.

Stepping into Your Personal Power: Cultivating deeper self-love and confidence in your everyday life.

Spiritual Assignments: Learning the lessons, healing and moving forward by realizing the spiritual piece. 

Aligning with Abundance + Success: Defining success on your terms and activating an abundance frequency to create your personalized dream life.

Transformation & Alignment: This is about more than just reaching goals — it’s about growing, healing and alchemizing into your most authentic, empowered self.

Accountability & Support: Think of this as a small mastermind group, where you’ll connect weekly with like-minded souls who are also on this path. Together, we’ll share our breakthroughs, accountability, and celebrate progress in real time to keep momentum strong.

Weekly Calls & Resources: From November 7th through to January, we’ll meet for live calls 3 times per month for real-time support, and check-ins, keeping you on track and inspired as you move through the final months of the year and step confidently into 2025.

Join Momentum Tribe! Let's do this together!

If you’re ready to rise, heal and align with your highest self with personal growth and Spiritual growth, enrolment is open now, but spots to this cozy space are limited. Our journey begins November 7th — are you ready?

PRE-EARLY BIRD $111 / mo or $303 USD


 REGULAR - $444

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    3 x $111 Monthly3x $111.00
  • Preferred option
    Pay In Full$303.00

Book A Private Session For Clarity, Breakthrough + Momentum

Special one-time offer, only $155!
This 60 minutes session is a focused deep dive designed to create powerful breakthroughs in your life and/or business. 

We’ll address current challenges and develop clear, actionable steps to move you forward. This session is all about shifting your energy, expanding your mindset, connecting you with your Team and reigniting your drive so you can step into your most empowered self. 

REG $299 | HERE $155


You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Momentum Tribe$0

All prices in USD


Week 1: Setting the Stage

We’ll kick off by grounding ourselves and setting clear, soul-aligned intentions for this journey. You’ll tap into your vision for the next chapter and explore what true alignment looks and feels like for you. This week is all about planting the seeds for the transformation ahead. We dive into clarity on goals, intentions, and soul alignment. 

Week 2: Gratitude + Releasing What No Longer Serves You

This week is dedicated to spiritual healing, identifying old patterns, beliefs, or wounds that are holding you back. You’ll be guided through powerful release practices to clear away anything that’s blocking your path to growth and transformation. You'll practice gratitude by reflecting on your journey. You'll receive tools for releasing limiting beliefs, emotional blocks, and energetic healing. 

Week 3: Aligning with Your Highest Self 

Now that you’ve released what no longer serves, it’s time to step into your true self. This week will help you strengthen your connection to your soul and intuition, making decisions and taking actions from a place of alignment. You'll receive practices for tuning into your inner wisdom and aligning with your soul’s path. 

Week 4: Cultivating Self-Love and Worthiness

Self-love and worthiness are the foundation for growth. This week, we’ll focus on cultivating a deep sense of self-worth, compassion, and unconditional love for yourself as you move through this transformation. You'll receive practices and meditations for self-care, self-love, and boosting confidence and worthiness. 

Week 5: Creating Momentum in Real Life

Now that you’ve done the inner healing and aligned with your true self, it’s time to take action. This week is all about creating momentum in your life by taking inspired, aligned steps toward your goals—whether they’re around money, health, healing, or personal growth. You'll recieve tools for making confident, aligned decisions and actions. 

Week 6: Navigating Challenges and Staying on Path

Life happens, and sometimes it can feel like obstacles get in the way of our progress. This week is about building resilience and learning how to navigate challenges while staying aligned with your path. You’ll explore ways to move through obstacles with grace and continue growing. You'll receive mindset shifts and practices for staying grounded, no matter what life throws at you. 

Week 7: Expanding Your Vision

This week, we’re deepening your ability to manifest your desires from a place of alignment. You’ll refine your goals and visions, allowing them to expand beyond what you may have thought was possible. You'll receive tools for manifesting and attracting from an aligned, authentic place. 

Week 8: Creating Sustainable Momentum

It’s one thing to create change, but another to sustain it. This week, you’ll learn how to integrate your growth and healing into your everyday life so that your momentum keeps flowing long after the 10 weeks are over. You'll receive strategies for maintaining long-term growth and alignment. 

Week 9: Embodying Freedom, Abundance & Joy

This week focuses on aligning with abundance, not just financially but in all areas of your life. You’ll explore how to create more flow, ease, and abundance by being fully in alignment with your soul’s desires. Shifts in mindset and energy to attract abundance. 

Week 10: Looking Ahead with Clarity + Stepping Into Joy and Freedom 

What would life look like if you truly felt free and joyful in every moment? This week is about stepping into that reality, living as your highest self, and enjoying life to the fullest— right here, right now. We will focus on looking ahead to 2025 with clarity, confidence, and alignment. 

You’ll leave feeling empowered and equipped to continue your growth, manifest your desires, and live fully as your highest self. Tools to embody joy, freedom, fulfillment, Spiritual connection and creating a solid plan for moving forward, staying aligned, and creating the life you desire.

Call Schedule

Calls will be Thursdays starting November 7th. There are 3 calls in a row and then one week of integration. 

Our calls are: Nov 7, 14, 21, Dec 5, 12, 19, Jan 2, 9 at 2pm PST / 4pm CT / 5pm ET.

There is also a chat space available through the whole 10 weeks for ongoing connection, audios and support in between calls. 

Why Momentum Tribe Is Different

This is not your typical self-growth program. Momentum Tribe is built around connection and support. We rise together, hold each other accountable, and create a space where you can: 

Expand your consciousness and awaken to new possibilities.

Build resilience and momentum in your life.

Release limiting beliefs and old patterns that no longer serve you.

Step into your personal power and embrace your highest potential.

Master your energy and intuition for greater clarity and confidence.

Manifest abundance and purpose in all areas of your life.

From Me To You...

Hey beautiful soul, if you're new - I'm Talia Joy and I am so happy that our paths have crossed!

I want to take a moment to share why I created the Momentum Tribe — and why it’s so close to my heart. 

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably spent a lot of time doing things on your own. Perhaps you're a "lone wolf", too? I’ve always been someone who goes at things solo — personal growth, building my business, navigating my healing journey… pretty much on my own.

For a long time, I thought that was just the way I was wired. I'm awkward, different.  But the truth is, deep down, I’ve always longed for community, I just didn't feel like people got me. 

I’ve craved a space where I could be supported, uplifted, and surrounded by like-minded souls who were also on their own journeys. A space where I could be BE ME, while also celebrating for my growth and being supported through the hard days. 

AND I'M LEARNING THAT THERE ARE MORE PEOPLE LIKE ME OUT THERE - humans on this spiritual and self growth journey as well as people like me doing it alone, longing for a supportive space!

That’s why I’m creating this tribe — for you, for me, you us. I’m inviting you into because I know how powerful it is when we come together. When we feel supported, when we feel held, when we have people around us who understand what we’re moving through — it’s like we gain this unstoppable momentum. 

Whether you're focusing on your business, healing, or personal growth, Momentum Tribe is here to be that supportive (while also learning) space for you. 

You don't need to do it alone. No more feeling like you’re the only one on this path. It’s time to surround yourself with a tribe that gets it — a community where we rise together, stay accountable, and support each other every step of the way. 

I’m so excited to share this journey with you. 

Let’s build momentum, create resilience, and step into our highest selves — together and dance into 2025!

 With all my love, Talia Joy